nedelja, 29. april 2012

Sometimes you just need a ROCK

Hei there! 

It has been so stressful and exhausting weekend for all in our familiy since we are doing some renovation in our house (again! this time another room) so this actually means a lot of work, no free time at all, very little time to sleep (who needs that anyway, right?!?) and the temperatures are pretty much to "summer-ish" for this time of the year, so we have to deal with that too. Don't get me wrong - I LOVE sun and warm weather, but it can be a bit overwhelming when you're actually doing some hard work. 

So that's the reason why I wasn't so focused on my blog, Etsy shop, Facebook fan page, ... so sorry for that, but we started this renovating thing as a family, so we need to finished it like "one for all, all for one." :) 

But I've got something to cheer you up! :) Luna wanted to say Hi! :) Well not really, since she does not care for my blog at all, but you can imagine she's just that polite and she's saying Hi to you all. 

"Look at this!!! OMG, did you even knew we had so many rocks here?? Did you?!?"

"I'll took this one! Perfect shape and it's just right for me."

"Look what I've got! And don't even thing to take it away from me. It's mine and if you want one, get your own."

"And now I'm just gona lie here and eat my stone."

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sobota, 28. april 2012

Wear a smile … {5}

Expectations can sometimes be a bit different from reality ... ENJOY! 

Have a great day, 

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četrtek, 26. april 2012

Perfect Home Office / Craft Room

You all know how much I love peeking in different Home Offices / Craft rooms and this always gives me so many ideas how to rearrange my room and I just hope few of these pictures can help you too. So ENJOY! :) 

Kukanje v tuje ustvarjalne sobe / domače pisarne je čudovito doživetje in zakaj si ga ne bi večkrat privoščili?? :) Sama dobim marsikatero dobro idejo ob tem in verjamem, da bo tudi z vami tako. Zato uživajte in naj vas ne depresirajo preveč. ;)

Have a gorgeous day, 
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sreda, 25. april 2012

Whiff of Joy #128 - {BINGO}

Hello my dear crafty friends! So nice to have you here! :) 

Whiff of Joy is hosting another amazing challenge and you have to participate, since it's so great! Our theme is "BINGO." You know how to play it, right? So when we're talking about crafting we play it with words.

And I choose to use: CHARM, PEARLS, LACE 

 This picture is not the best, since it was crapy rainy day when I took it + I use my phone. :S 

I love that I ❤ you on the left. It's so cute, don't you think so? :) And I decided to use this round edge shape of a card, since I wanted to make something different. + the size of this card is pretty small. 

Be sure to join us at WHIFF OF JOY challenge and check out all those amazing inspiring *BINGO* design team cards.
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torek, 24. april 2012

My heart just skipped a beat ...

I created this amazing (hell yeah, I won't be modest this time!) Etsy treasury yesterday and it receive a lot of views and people like it so so much and I like it so so much, so I guess it's kinda obvious to show it here too. ;) 

Včeraj sem naredila čudovito in barvito (hja, lažna skromnost je šla neznano kam) Etsy zakladnico, ki je že pritegnila mnoge poglede in priznam, da je tudi meni ena od najljubših! Roza in rumena barvna kombinacija je idealna za prihajajoče poletne dni (čeprav so trenutni aprilski dnevi zelo deževni in sivi, žal). 

{Za ogled Zakladnice na Etsy-u klikni na spodnjo sliko in odpeljalo te bo do želene lokacije. :)}

{Want to see this Treasury on ETSY? Click on the IMAGE above and you'll be taken there}

This is such a great color combo and I love every item I find on Etsy. So many stunning pink & Yellow  treasuries - and price range is pretty wild to: from $3 to $1000! That's quite a price range, ha?

And since I felt so Pink & Yellow inspired I found another great Pink & Yellow items - for you to wear in these upcoming hot Summer days.  

In ko sem bila že ravno v Roza & Rumenem elementu sem naredila še en mini kolažek modnih izdelkov v teh dveh barvah. Ne manjkajo niti moji živo roza bleščeči uhančki. Težko jih je izdelati, ampak končni izdelek je č-u-d-o-v-i-t in tako zelo šajnasto fensi! :) 

So I hope you're feeling happy right now, since this color combo definitely makes me HAPPY, HAPPY, HAPPY! :) 

Have a nice and HAPPY day, 
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ponedeljek, 23. april 2012

ARTish #5

^ 21. april 2012 ^

Ponovno sem ga obiskala in vam prinašam še veliko več fotografij, kot iz ARTish-a #3. Lokacija (Kino Šiška) je nedvomno bolj obiskovalcu in ustvarjalcu (razstavljalcu) prijazna, ker gre za veliko večji prostor in se v njem da "dihati," kljub številnim obiskovalcem. 

Pa pojdimo na pot med čudovitimi ustvarjalci, njihovimi izrednimi izdelki in mizami, ki so se šibile pod težo umetnosti ... 

Prišli smo do konca naše ARTish poti, upam, da ste se zabavali in videli veliko zabavnih stvari ... lep pozdravček in se vidimo prihodnjič! :) 

ARTish najdete tudi na njihovi SPLETNI STRANIna BLOGU ali pa na Facebook strani


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