
sreda, 30. november 2011
Love this and that

torek, 29. november 2011
Here we go again …
Remember my “Wordless Wednesday” post while ago? Well the illness is back! It really kick me of this time. And I was just watching some photos on my phone and I found this picture of my sweet pug Luna {taken few days ago} and I am so sad that I am to sick to take her out today.
And instead of that I went to my doctor, who obviously thought I have to much blood in my system and I need to give some of it out. :) Well not exactly like that, but I did gave some blood and they did test it and it is official – I am sick a hell! ;) I cough a lot, and I mean A LOT! So my whole body hurts and I can’t really sleep at night. I just hope this whole drama will end soon – because seriously I miss walks with my sweetie pie and I miss every little thing that I can’t do just because I am sick!
+ Luna enjoying her walk – she loves this place, because she can run un-leashed and I don0t need to worry some car will hit here – since this is in the middle of the big hill (without any roads on it)
+ Me waiting for my blood results. :) Not such funny moment. And when I came home and try to put this thing off – another not such funny moment, since this thing is super strong and it really hurts when you want to take it off.
Have a wonderful day and I just hope you are felling much better than me! :)

petek, 25. november 2011
Black Friday - Free shipping
četrtek, 24. november 2011
Wordless Wednesday {Early birthday present}

torek, 22. november 2011
When your baby is not feeling well ...
Je najmanjša in najmlajša v družini, zato je naše malo dete. Povrh vsega se pa še sama obnaša tako - da bi se en pes tako zelo rad "pestval," "cartal" in stiskal z nekom še nisem doživela. No ona se bi. Njej je najlepše na kolenih in v naročju. :)
Ampak se že od včeraj ne počuti najbolje. Smo obiskale veterinarsko ambulanto in smo sedaj na antibiotikih. Upajmo, da bo kmalu boljše. Da se bodo stvari kdaj čisto 100% popravile pa skoraj ne verjamem več. Očitno je to v paketu - super in najboljši možni pes + njeno zdravje, ki se vsake toliko malce poslabša. :( Ampak tako pač je - mi jo imamo samo še bolj radi! :)

ponedeljek, 21. november 2011
Komaj čakam .. in se po drugi strani bojim ..

sobota, 19. november 2011



petek, 18. november 2011
Magnet Sets
In kaj storiti, če ti je nekaj všeč - nimaš pa možnosti kupovanja preko spleta???
Pošlješ mail na: info@manuela-s.com in jaz ti prijazno svetujem kako naprej. Enostavno, preprosto in hitro. =)

četrtek, 17. november 2011
I can't wait + I am afraid of ...
Well that's pretty interesting title, right? But it's all true - I am super excited about some amazing things but in the other hand I am so afraid of few other things.
First let me tell you some exciting news ...
+ I am working on some super duper things that will blow your mind away if you like to craft! I can't wait to show them to you, since I've been working my but of to make everything perfect. So if you are a craft person, or you want to become one - stay tuned, since I have some great things to show you in a near future. This is all I am going to tell you – for now. ;)
+ I can't wait to send some new emails to my SUBSCRIBERS, since you will all get early CHRISTMAS PRESENT from me. Present that will give you an opportunity to make someone else happy. :)
And if you are not a subscriber yet, you can still do it. Just put your name and email into the boxes on my right sidebar and you will soon receive an email.
* I know some of you did not receive my "Walking on Sunshine" digital paper pack - it will be attached to this special email that I am talking about, so you will receive it - soon.
+ my birthday is just around a corner. So I already know what will I get from my mum - but everyone else is a mystery to me. I did talk about a lot of things (on my wish list) lately so ... it's kind a hard to keep track for people around me. ;)
+ I am working on some great FREE DOWNLOADS! If there is anything you would like to have - just let me know and I will be happy to make it and share it here on my blog.
+ few days ago I ordered one huge, and I really mean HUGE order to update my Jewelry(making) supplies. So lets just hope the mailman will knock on my door soon with the best birthday gift ever ... well almost the best. I could thing of few others too. ;)
+ next week I am going to see some very special show. More about it - soon. But I can't wait for it, since it will be awesome. I just know it will. ;)
And if you are wondering what am I afraid of ...
- I am working on some super duper things that will blow your mind away if you like to craft! But will it really? Will it blow your mind? I mean ... I worked my but off to make this things happen, but there is always a risk. I love one thing, you love another. I find one thing interesting, you find another. + there will always be someone who will make you sad, just so he or she could feel better. I am fighting with that feeling with all my heart, since I believe in what I am doing here.
- I can't wait to send some new emails to my SUBSCRIBERS, since you will all get early CHRISTMAS PRESENT from me. Present that will give you an opportunity to make someone else happy. :) Well I am not afraid of this at all. :)) I am just happy and excited about it. :)
- my birthday is just around a corner. I will be one year older. That's usually not a good thing. Especially if you are a woman. But I can see some bright spot in it ... like gifts and special treatment on that day. ;)
- I am working on some great FREE DOWNLOADS! Not afraid of that one either. :) I love free download, who doesn't??
- few days ago I ordered one huge, and I really mean HUGE order to update my Jewelry(making) supplies. Can you spell H-U-G-E? and B-I-G MASTERCARD BILL?? Well I can ... but I won't. Since I rather not think about it. At least not for now. Until that bill knocks on my door, I will pretend that it doesn't exist! At all! And if you are wondering about that numbers -- No, I won't tell. A-aa. Never!!! Well.. maybe ... someday. Or not ... ;) But I all need it! I mean I really need it, since I want to make so much more and never stop!!! So you need some good supply stock. Agree??? YESSS!!!
- next week I am going to see some very special show. And you know what the weather man said?? That it will snow!! Here!! In our country!! And this show is not in my town, so if there will be some snow on the road we can't go! Since it's not safe to travel that long in bad weather! So pray for nice and snow-free weekend. Thank you! :)
So this is me. And my messy head right now. Fun, ha? Well that's just part of my crazy minds ... I could share some few more. But I won't. Maybe next time ... ;)
SLOVENSKI PREVOD: sledi jutri. :)

četrtek, 10. november 2011
New GIVEAWAY! - updates
So here are just some quick updates on my new giveaway that will soon be on:
1. You can no longer participate in "What's your favourite item from my shop" post since it's closed! If yu want to read it, click ::here::
2. I will check again every single comment you left (in this post) and choose one item from my shop to be a part of this giveaway
3. I will let you know when the giveaway will actaully start - I belive it will be this weekend, so don't go too far, we will soon start this great giveaway journy! ;)
Torej stvari so takšne in nič drugačne: =)
1. Komentarjev s predlogi za tale giveaway ne sprejemam več! Če želiš preveriti kakšni so predlogi bralcev, pa si jih lahko ogledaš ::tukaj::
2. Vse vaše komentarje bom še enkrat pregledala in preštela glasove, ki jih ima posamezni izdelek.
3. Nato pa vam še sporočim kdaj dejansko bo potekala nova igrica za darilce. Pričakujete jo lahko že ta vikend, zato ne odidite predaleč, da je ne zamudite. ;)

sreda, 9. november 2011
Wordless Wednesday {Feeling like a Santa}
I have prepared few cute little packages that includes beautiful little treasuries. :) And it all needed to be send so that the receiver could get them as soon as possible. And when I saw them all together – I seriously felt like an early Santa – only few pounds lighter, younger, and not that hairy at all + I guess someone has stolen my reindeers! ;) But hey – I still liked that feeling. ;)
Pred dnevi sem pakirala male zakladke v te mini barvne škatlice. In ko je bilo delo končano in vsi zakladki varno pospravljeni vanje sem dojela, da se počutim kot mini Božiček!! 4 mali paketeki so že na poti k novim lastnica, ta večji na sredini pa je bil osebno predan v roke novi lastnici čudovitega obročka. Ja – takole jih zapakiramo, da se slučajno ne poškodujejo. ;) In če jih slučajno še nisi videla (obročke), si jih lahko ogledaš ::tukaj::
So if you are expecting to get something (Jewelry that you ordered or win in a Giveaway) from me – it’s all in there!! And it should be soon at your place. And which color of the box will you get?? I won’t tell. Let it be a surprise. :)
And if you are wondering what is in there I can only tell you that in those smaller boxes are Jewelry items (earrings '+ rings) and in the bigger box is a beautiful headband made by my sister – and yes we do pack them that way so that nothing bad can’t happen to them during the transportation. ;) And if you want to check out her headbands so :HERE:
So I packed them all in a bubble envelopes and headed straight to the post office + after that I went to work. I teach at the Institute for Education and Culture, so I was running super late and this were some quick shots, just to show you my new Polka Dot blouse that I L.O.V.E! ;) It’s super cute and this is actually my first time wearing it. My sister bought it first – she has it in brown - and I really liked it, so I went and buy one for myself. :)
In potem je “Božiček” zapakiral vse mini paketke (ki dejansko niso tako zelo mini, so pa mini v primerjavi s tavelikim paketom), se odpravil na pošto, odposlal zadeve na različne konce Slovenije in tudi čez lužo (ZDA) + moj dan še ni bil končan, ker je bilo treba it še delat. Jp – učim na Zavodu za izobraževanje in kulturo in tudi ta dan je bil prevzet z veliko mero potrpežljivosti in razlaganja do nezavesti, ker takšne pač smo – mi ta pridne “trščice.” ;)
Vam je všeč moja nova bluzica?? Oh ja, meni je. Te pike so čist preveč dobre, da bi jih pustila samevati v trgovini. So morale it z mano. V bistvu mi na prvo niso padle v oko, potem pa ko sem videla sestro v isti zadevščini (le v drugi barvi) sem ugotovila, da to pa ni tako zelo slabo. In zdaj smo najboljše prijateljice – s pikami seveda. ;) S sestro pa itak. ;)
Linking up for Wordless Wednesday with:
♥ The Paper Mama, ♥ And Then, She Snapped, ♥ Project Alicia,
♥ Live and Love … out Loud, ♥ Baby Baby Lemon,
♥ Angry Julie Monday, ♥ Woven by Words, ♥ Jenny from the blog,
♥ My songbook, ♥ Nola Mommy, ♥ Naptime Momtog.
P.S.: I am so so sorry but I just can not do it “WORDLESS!” I always start my post with thought in my head: “Do it without a words, it wordless Wednesday"!” But as you can see for yourself … it ends completely different! I can help it, I just need to writ it all down! So don’t be mad at me, I really can’t help myself. I am a talker!
In case you missed my previous wordless Wednesday posts:
Wordless Wednesday {1} – Friends Stuff
Wordless Wednesday {2} – Walk with me
Wordless Wednesday {3} – Take a hike
Wordless Wednesday {4} – Trip to the Zoo
Wordless Wednesday {5} – Not feeling so well
Stay beautiful, smart and true to yourself!
See you soon,

torek, 8. november 2011
New GIVEAWAY! Coming soon ...

ponedeljek, 7. november 2011
True dilemma / Dilema
