“Bottle tag” je nekaj kar želi videti Katharina na svojem Whiff of Joy blogu. Pa sem se lotila dela in nastalo je to kar je nastalo. ;)
Hi there! Thank you for stopping by today. Katharina from Whiff of Joy would like to see some bottle tags if you want to participate her Guest Designer call. And right after I saw this I knew I want to participate since it’s so great to do those bottle tags! And it makes a fabulous gift for someone as well. So here are some of the pictures I took. Hope you like what you see. ;)
I added some glitters on this sweet Willows dress and I also added some Glossy accents. In real her dress looks so sparkly and gorgeous! I really love this effect. ;)
All four red flowers are sprayed with Glimmer mist and they look so much better now. I hope you can see at least half of that sparkly thing on them. :)
When you “open” first layer of the tag, you can even write some note in it, if you want. I just added “Happy new year” and this bottle is ready to be part of a great holiday gift for someone special. :)
Thank you for your time and attention. See you next time.
Lepo se imejte do prihodnjič!

Lušten tagec!Všeč mi je to z okencem in napisom notri.
OdgovoriIzbrišiVšečno, pa fajn je ta skriti napis....
OdgovoriIzbrišiRes lepo! Vedno z veseljem občudujem vsa ta ustvarjanja, ker sama nimam niti nekega hudega talenta niti potrpljenja za te stvari...
OdgovoriIzbrišiA wonderful creation, great colouration and design! Thanks for taking part in WoJ's GD Call!
Hi, very interesting post, greetings from Greece!