Tokrat želimo videti na vaših izdelkih 2 “dizajnerska” papirja, 3 rožice in nekaj bleščečega. Če seveda želite sodelovati na izzivu, ki se prične danes in poteka nadaljnih 14 dni – 7 Kids College Fund Challege-u. :)
Sama sem se tokrat odločila, da ne naredim čestitke, ampak blokec v katerem so samolepilni Post-it lističi.
Hi there! It’s time for another, third, challenge over at 7 Kids College Fund Challenge. We would like you to use 2 Design papers, 3 Flowers and something sparkly on your project, if you want to participate on this one. :) Pretty cute, right? So start working! :))
This time I didn’t make a card, I decide to do some little Post-it notes holder. I like doing them, because they are so nice and useful, because you can easily replace notes when you run out of them.
Rada imam takšne blokce, saj ko ti zmanjka lističev, le-te zelo preprosto lahko nadomestimo in blokec uporabljamo še naprej. :)
Oh and if you can’t see sparkly parts let me help you a bit – I used Stickles on this sweet little girls sunhat and red designer paper in the back is also full of sparkles. :)
Če kdo ni siguren kaj na mojem blokcu je bleščeče, naj vam malce pomagam. :) Bleščice sem dodala na klobuk, rdeč papir v ozadju pa je že kupljen z bleščicami. :)
♥ This card is also made based on this week Whiff of Joy Challenge sketch. ♥
This is the inside. :)
Stamp: Willow with sunhat
Coloring Medium: Prisma Color Pencils
Paper: Home stash, Cardstock
Accessories: Pearls, Dew drops, Buttons
Tools: Martha Stewart Punch, StazOn ink pad, Cuttlebug, Bind it all
Ne pozabite, da lahko še vedno osvojite SKRINJO ZAKLADOV, od katere vas loči le še par klikov! Več o tem si preberite ~tukaj~
Thank you for stopping by!
Lepo se imejte do prihodnjič!

Ne samo, da so mi zelo všeč tvoji izdelki, tudi fotke občudujem. Fotografiraš tako, da izdelek res lepo predstaviš.
OdgovoriIzbrišiLepo si tole naredila!!!!
OdgovoriIzbrišiManuela this is so beautiful hun! Love the post it note holder and the fact that it's refillable...would make a perfect gift!!! :) Willow looks gorgeous and love how you added the bling to your bow! Thanks for joining us at the WOJ Challenge!
OdgovoriIzbrišiHugs~ Kim
wow, stunning project and such a cool idea!
WOW, I just LOVE this. What a cute idea!!
OdgovoriIzbrišiThanks for joining us at WOJ Challenges. Crossing my fingers for you with the DT call. :)
:) zelo luštna oblekica za listke :) tudi barvno mi je zelo všeč.