četrtek, 11. november 2010

7 Kids College Fund ~ Give thanks

Pričel se je nov izziv pri 7 Kids College Fund Challenge blog in tokrat bi rade videle čestitko zahvale. Mislim, da tudi ta izziv ne bi smel biti pretežak zalogaj. ;) Povrh vsega pa lahko osvojite tudi čudovito nagrado in sicer darilni bom v vrednosti kar 75$!!!! Uff, to bi bil dober šoping, kajne?? :))

Hi there! It’s time for another great challenge over at 7 Kids College Fund Challenge blog. And this time we would like to see “Thank you cards.” And you should know that Tab wanted to take this opportunity to express her sincere thanks and appreciation to everyone for their patience, understanding, kind thoughts and well wishes during the recent accident involving her son, Aaron, with this AMAZING prize: 75$ Gift Certificate to 7 Kids College Fund!

And here is my card:



Be sure to check out  7 Kids College Fund Challenge blog and participate on this weeks challenge.

Have a nice day!

Lepo se imejte do prihodnjič!

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1 komentar:

  1. Super shopping bi bil, ja :-))
    Bom probala, ker ni pogoj odtis :-))))


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