Delati za WOJ je velika čast, pa čeprav samo kot gostja nadvse čudovitega ustvarjalnega tima. Začeti moramo z malimi koraki, da bi lahko nato naredovali z velikimi. Tega sem se zavedala še predno sem postala članica ustvarjalnega tima Hanna & Friends, članica tima 7 Kids College Fund (sedaj imamo tudi blog izziv) in seveda pred ustanovitvijo prvega slovenskega blog izziva – CRAFT-alnice. A se samo meni zdi ali pa se je res ogromno stvari zgodilo v preteklih mesecih?! :) Danes vam predstavljam svoj izdelek, ki je nastal za moj prvi gostujoči izziv pri Whiff of Joy Challenge blog. Tokrat želijo videti “obešačnik za vrata” oziroma Door hanger.
“Obešalniku” sem dodala še mali “žepek” v spodnjem delu in vanj postavila nekaj listkov na katere lahko zapišeš svoje sporočilce osebi za vrati, ki pa je žal ne smeš motiti, saj tako pravi obešalnik! :) Do not disturb – ne moti. ;) In tudi svinčnik sem oblekla v novo oblekico tako, da lepo pristaja obešalniku. Na vrh svinčnika pa sem dodala tudi enakega metuljčka kot na sam obešalnik.
Working for Whiff of Joy is great honor, even if you are only Guest designer for month of August. :) I’m just happy to be side by side with all those talented ladies, even just for one month, two challenges. :) This time WOJ design team would like to see a Door hanger. I made mine with one little “pocket” in which you can put some papers and if someone needs you, he or she can leave a note and not disturb you at all. :) I even gave my pencil a new “dress” and little butterfly, so it looks so much better now if you ask me. :)
Stamp: Melinda blowing kisses
Coloring Medium: Prisma Color Pencils
Paper: Home stash, Cardstock
Accessories: Pearls, Baby blue liquid pearls
Tools: Martha Stewart Punch, StazOn ink pad, Scoring board, Cuttlebug, Cricut expression machine
Ne pozabite tudi jutri pokaukati na moj blogu, saj bo jutrišnji Hanna & Friends izziv prav poseben zame. :) Več o tem pa seveda izveste jutri! :)
Don’t forget to check out my blog tomorrow, since it’s going to be a very special challenge this time – for me off course. :) But more about it – tomorrow! :)
Ste že kdaj obiskali Belo krajino? :) V mesecu avgustu se v “osrčju” Bele krajine odvija prav posebene poletni festival, Črnfest. Tako smo si lahko ogledali že monokomedijo Čefurji raus, natop hrvaške zasedbe Majke, Stand up comedy show in še marsikaj drugega. Ker pa meseca avgusta še ni konec, vas čaka še veliko zanimivega in pestrega dogajanja. Če se nam ne uspete pridružiti pa spremljajte odlične fotografije z letošnjega 3. poletnega festivala. :) Tudi to je nekaj. ;)
Vse fotografije so kopirane iz spletnega dnevnika Marko Trifkovič – from photos to other attraction.
Did you ever visit Slovenia or even Bela krajina? :) I guess not, but if you decide to visit us just let me know. I’ll be glad to show you around, because here in Slovenia you can see so many great things! You can’t even imagine how beautiful it’s here! And right now (in month of August) we are having great summer festival and you can see some really good rock bands, Stand up comedy’s and much more. So be sure to check out some great photos of this festival made by my boyfriend. :) He’s completely into the photography for last two years and he’s getting better and better every time. :) So go and visit him at Marko Trifkovic – from photos to other attraction.
Lepo se imejte do prihodnjič!
Have a nice day and thanks for stopping by!

Such a gorgeous door hanger Manuela. Love the colours you've used and the details also. Hugs Michele x
OdgovoriIzbrišiLove all the detail on this & your makeover of the pencil. That little pocket is lovely too & such a good idea.
OdgovoriIzbrišiPaula (PEP)
Manuela this is really very pretty. I love that you made a pocket for little notes, what a really adorable idea. Beautiful coloring too!!
Absolutely GORGEOUS hun! Fantastic creation and love the leave a note part of it! Your pencil is as gorgeous as your doorhanger too! GREAT work!
OdgovoriIzbrišiHugs~ Kim
Manuela, This is just soooooo super cute!!! OMGosh, My daughter is 11 and she would LOVE to have this door hanger on her bedroom door. This is such a fabulous idea...I'm going to have make her one, hope you don't mind if I use your great idea! These papers are some of my faves and I love the border punch used all around the hanger...brilliant! So many fabulous the pencil and Melinda looks gorgeous...your colouring is divine! So glad to have you with us on the DT for August!
Čudovito delo, krasno obešanko si naredila :-))
OdgovoriIzbrišiČe bi bile takšne obešanke za vrata v hotelih, bi jih vse pokradli :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiSuper lepo si naredila. Prava mojstrica si!
Čudovita obešanka. Ne bom pozabila pokukati ;)