Čas je za novi izziv Hanna & Friends, kjer tokrat želimo videti Neuporabljeno štampiljko. Upam, da imate na zalogi tudi kaj takšnih, ki ste jih kupile in potem nikoli dejansko niti uporabile. ;) Če je temu tako, le brž na Hanna & Friends ter sodelujte na tokratnem izzivu.
Tilda je tudi tokrat pobarvana s PrismaColor barvicami, robovi (na papirju) so narejeni z Martha Stewart štanco, na Tildine kopalke sem dodala tudi bleščice (Stickles) in Glossy Accents, ki jim daje 3D videz.
Hi! Is it Thursday again?? I guess it is since it’s time for another great Challenge over at Hanna & Friends. This week we’re having super nice theme called “Unused stamp.” I guess everyone of us have some (or a lot) unused stamps and now it’s time to take them out! Come on ladies, get busy and find all those dusty stamps that you’ve been hiding God knows where. :)
I use this sweet image of Prisma Color Pencils on her Bathing Ring. And as usually I used my Prisma Color Pencils to color her. I also use some Stickles and Glossy Accents on her swimming suit.
Stamp: Magnolia Beach Tilda, Bathing Ring
Coloring Medium: Prisma Color Pencils
Paper: Basic Grey, My Minds Eye, Blue Cardstock
Accessories: Pearls, Dew Drops, Charm, Stickles, Glossy Accents, Brad, Flowers, White Liquid Pearls
Tools: Cuttlebug, Scor-Pal, Spellbinder Nestabillities, Score-tape, Martha Stewart Punch, StazOn ink pad
Have a nice day!
Lepo se imejte do prihodnjič!

Zelo lušna poletna zadevica.
OdgovoriIzbrišiVse na tej čestitki mi je všeč, še najbolj pa tisti obesek, ki visi z rožice.
OdgovoriIzbrišiWow... your card is gorgeous!
OdgovoriIzbrišiHugs from Germany,
hell manu, very cute card, i like this motives from summer collection 2009, so nice!!!
OdgovoriIzbrišihugs from austria - renate
Luštna voščilnica, pa barve na njej tudi (:
OdgovoriIzbrišiIn seveda tudi Tildica je lepa(:
Zelo lepo narejena.
OdgovoriIzbrišiKrasna izvedba! Zelo mi je všeč. Pokukaj tudi na moj blog, kjer te nekaj čaka.:)
OdgovoriIzbrišiHi Manuela,
OdgovoriIzbrišii like your wounderful card with this nice image!!
Hugs, Susanne
Absolutely wonderful colouring and gorgeous colours. The layout is just perfect, fabulous card!
Wow your card is amazing!
OdgovoriIzbrišiWishes Sandra
iii kok je cartlih :))
OdgovoriIzbrišiKer fuul pridno komentiraš na mojem blogu, ti podarjam nagradico :)