Tilda, ki sem jo uporabila na današnji čestitki je tako lepo pomladna, da jo je res prijetno gledati in razlišljati o tem kako bo lepo, ko bo v našo deželico posijalo še več sončka, kot ga je bilo danes. Pravijo, da bo vikend lep, upajmo da res. Če ne, bomo pa takšne “sončne” čestitke delali, da nam bo topleje pri srcu. ;)
I use this cute image of Tilda today, and she reminds me so much of a spring. We had nice sunny day today, but this still is not a spring, not with all that snow waiting to be melt down in next days. I hope the weekend will be nice and worm, so we could go somewhere and enjoy the day. :)
I find few challenges on which I can participate with my card.
♥ Sketch Saturday – Sketch
♥ Magnolia down under Challenges - 3 Papers, 3 Flowers, 2 Buttons & 1 Bow
♥ Stamp with fun – Spring
♥ Cupcake craft challenges – Flower power
A ni popolnoma pomladna? Vse te rožice, nežne in hkrati žive barve..meni je všeč. :) Čeprav na začetku izdelave nisem bila tako zelo prepričana, da mi bo. Ampak konec dober, vse dobro. :)
It was real pleasure doing this little miss butterfly. :) Isn’t she cute? :) I think she is and I just love all those little flowers on papers. And off course she’s so pink. :)
Lepo bodite do prihodnjič.
I hope you like my card. Have a nice day, ladys. :)

Super sweet card...thanks for joining us at Cupcake :) Donna x
OdgovoriIzbrišiRes upam, da boš s takimi čestitkami priklicala pomlad;)
OdgovoriIzbrišiOh such a pretty card. Love the image you've used and the colours also. Hugs Michele x
OdgovoriIzbrišiRes je. Čisto pomladna. In lepa. In sveža.
OdgovoriIzbrišiwonderful spring card ! love the sweet image ! thanks for joining in our challenge.
OdgovoriIzbrišihugs tina46
Res čisto pomladna Tildica... No pa je uspel sončkast vikend:) Ratalo vama je:)))
OdgovoriIzbrišiGorgeous work, I love the colours you have used. Thanks for joining us at CCC.
OdgovoriIzbrišiLiza x
Prekrasna je s temi nežnimi barvami, zanimivimi papirčki in dodatki.
OdgovoriIzbrišiYou have a gorgeous blog! What lovely creations you make! I love them! :) Thank you for entering in my blog candy and good luck to you!!! :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiBig Hugs,