sobota, 26. februar 2011

Papirnata vrečka z zgodbo / Paper bag with a Story

Že dolgo nisem naredila čestitke oziroma česarkoli drugega kar tako. Vedno so bili vsi izdelki povezani z izzivi na katerih sodelujem kot članica ustvarjalnega tima, tokrat pa je nastalo nekaj kar tako, mimo vseh mojih ustvarjalnih timov. :)

Hi there! Thank you so much for stopping by. I would like to show you a very special paper bag I made today.  I made up pretty funny story about cutie pie Tilda in my latest post, but I wrote it down only in Slovenian language, not in English. So this time I have another story about todays Tilda and I am going to write in down in English too so that you could understand it. ;)

Tilda on my paper bag is so nervous and you know why?? Because she is waiting for Edwind to arrive on their first date! :))) They supposed to met at the beach at 7 p.m., but now its 7.15 and he still didn’t arrive! It is such a beautiful sunset and she would love to watch it with Edwind, but who knows where that boy is!  So she will wait for another 15 minutes and if Edwin doesn’t arrive by that time … well she will go home and first cry her eyes out, then watch some romantic comedy to cheer her up and after that she will eat a loooot of Vanilla ice cream. :)

That’s the story about my waiting Tilda on a paper bag. I hope you like it, if you do I will came up with another one next time. ;)


Tilda na moji vrečki ima prav posebno zgodbo za sabo. Tiste, ki se domači v angleščini ste si jo lahko že prebrali. Za vse ostale pa je tu prevod. ;)

Tilda na plaži vsa živčna čaka, saj sta z Edwinom dogovorjena za njun prvi zmenek! PRVI! A veste kako pomemben je prvi zmenek? Zelooo! Od njega je odvisno, če sploh pride še kakšen za njim ali pa bo ostalo na enem in edinem. :) Edwin pa zamuja! In to kar 15 minut. Sončni zahod je čudovit in Tilda si želi, da bi ga lahko z Edwinom občudovala skupaj. Njega pa ni in ni! Če ga čez 15 minut še vedno ne bo, ubogi Tildi ne preostane drugega kot da odide domov, se najprej pošteno zjoče, pogleda kakšen posladkan romantični film in na koncu še poje celo “banjico” Planice! :)


I used my “Happy birthday” ticket sentiment, which you can easily download if you click to FREE DOWNLOADS under the header of my blog. Feel free to use it any time. ;) I made all those flowers with my punch and use Glimmer Mist to give them extra sparkle. :)

My waiting Tilda is also playing along with these challenges:

Simon Says Stamp Challenge – Coffee and Cream

Bunny Zoe’s Crafts - Flowers

Crazy 4 Challenges – Flowers

Stamp Something – Something with Flowers

Do You Stack Up – Anything Goes

Scrapbook Sisters – Lace and Pearls

Lexi Creations – Flowers

Wags’n Whiskers Challenge – Punches

Party Time Tuesday – Anything goes

Friday Sketchers – Sketch (I turn it around :) )

My variation of sketch looks like this:

sketch 143

Have a great day and take care!

Lepo se imejte do prihodnjič!

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četrtek, 17. februar 2011

Hanna & Friends #82 - Sketch

Hanna & Friends ima ta teden za vas zanimivo postavitev, ki se je morate držati, če želite sodelovati na izzivu. Ne pozabite pa seveda tudi na uporabo odtisov, ker brez tega pri Hanna & Friends preprosto ne gre. ;)

Hi there! Nice to have you here. :) It's time for another great challenge over at Hanna & Friends and this week you need to follow this cute sketch that our lovely Manu made. ;) 

And here is my card: 

This card was made for one young man (12 years old) and his mom told me he likes Pirates, so I found this cute Edwin perfect for his birthday card. :)) 

Čestitka je šla v roke mlademu možu, ki je ravno včeraj praznoval svoj 12. rojstni dan. In po besedah njegove mame ima izredno rad pirate. Tako, da je bil izbor osrednjega motiva sila lahka izbira. ;)

Be sure to join us this week at Hanna & Friends Challenge and this is a sketch you need to follow: 
Postavitev, ki jo morate upoštevati: 

Have a nice day!

Lepo se imejte do prihodnjič! 

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sreda, 16. februar 2011

Whiff of Joy #98 - Paper piecing

Whiff of Joy ima tokrat za vas super izziv, na katerem morate sodelovati! :)) Gre za tehniko "Paper piecing" ali v dobesednem prevodu "papirni kosi." Kaj pa to dejasnko pomeni? To pomeno, da morate en del odtisa izrezati iz kakšnega scrapbook papirja in ga prilepiti na "original" odtis. Torej gre za nekakšno kombinacijo kolaža in barvanja odtisa. Če se po tej razlagi ne znajdete najbolj, mi lahko pustite svoje vprašanje v komentarjih ali pa mi pišete na in pomagala vam bom. :)

Hi there! It's been exactly 14 days since we show you our last Whiff of Joy Challenge. So it's time for another one and this week we would like to see some Paper piecing on your creations. This is always a fun thing to do, right? :) So be sure to check out amazing DT cards and join us at our challenge.


This time I didn't do a card, but a Post-it notes holder. :) In there I put 2 Post-it notes and it's useful, since you can easily glue new one in, once you are out of this one. ;)  And you can see that I went a bit crazy with all that tearing apart, can't you? :) What can I say? I love it, so I did it and I like the final result too. It looks so messy. :))) And I just had to do another “dictionary flowers!” That old dictionary has a loooottt of pages so I thing these are not my last ones. :)))

Tokrat nisem naredila čestitke, ampak "ovitek" za 2 Post-it blokca. To vedno pride prav, mar ne? :)

Moj "papirni kos" so pravzaprav hlače. Namenoma so nevpadljive, ker sem želela da postanejo del celote in ne da izstopajo s svojo celoto.

Can you see my "Paper piecing?" Look at her legs. ;)



 A spoonfull of Sugar - Anything but a card

 Everybody Art Challenge - 3 papaers, 3 flowers, (1 ribbon - it's optional)

 Our Creative Corner - Cut it out

 Bunny Zoe's Crafts - Spring Flowers everywhere

 Stamps & Fun - Anything goes

Ne pozabite torej sodelovati na Whiff of Joy izzivu! :)) Slovenske izdelke je vedno lepo videti med vsemi ostalimi sodelujočimi. ;)

Oh I just need to show you one photo… :)


This is my cutie-pie walking herself. :))) She loves to carry around her Flexi leash! And when she drops it on the floor she just keeps walking and dragging it behind her. :)) She is such a funny little thing!

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sreda, 9. februar 2011

Živali / Animals + Luna + Blog candy :)


Najprej ena luškana slikica, ki vam bo zagotovo polepšala dan. Smile V soboto je naša Luna praznovala svoj PRVI ROJSTNI DAN!! :))) In to je ena izmed fotogafij, ki so nastale na ta veliki dan. :))))

Hi there! First of all I have to show you this picture, because it’s so stinking cute! :))) This Saturday our cutie pie celebrate her 1st Birthday!!! And here is one of the many picture we took. We had so much fun, she off course didn’t exactly knew what is going on, but we had a blast. : )) So here she is… trying to catch some bubbles… :))



CRAFT-alnica bo v naslednjih dveh tednih zelo živalsko obarvana. Smile Trenutno so na njej že: čebelice, ptički, pes in zmaj. Vas zanima kaj se to dogaja na našem blog izzivu?? Simona si je za tokratno temo izbrala “Živali.” Zato hitro napnite svoje male sive celice in razmislite s katero živalco nas tokrat presenetite na CRAFT-alnici.

It’s Wednesday again so I guess it’s time for another great challenge over at CRAFT-alnica. This week we would like to see some animals. Isn’t this one fun challenge or what? Winking smile 


Moja čestitka bo šla v roke najstniku, ki ta teden praznuje svoj rojstni dan. Njegova mami mi je zaupala, da ima izredno rad zmaje – torej je bilo jasno kaj se bo znašlo na moji čestitki. Smile 

This one is made for a boy who loves dragons, so I guess it was quite obviously what am I going to put on my card. I hope he would like it, since you never know with teenagers. Winking smile 


And here are some challenges:

Friday Sketchers – Sketch

Craft Your Passion Challenge – Everything goes

Dutch Dare Challenge – Buttons

Ne pozabite pokukati še k:  Simoni (BojaMoja), Lili in Janji, ter seveda sodelovati na CRAFT-alnici. Winking smile 


Be sure to check out this blog – SS Fashion World, because there is some yummy Candy waiting just for you. :))

Ne spreglejte bloga – SS Fashion Word, kajti tam vas čaka darilce, ki ga lahko osvojite že z nekaj kliki. :)))


Have a nice day!

Lepo se imejte do prihodnjič!

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četrtek, 3. februar 2011

Hanna & Friends #80 - Sketch

Tokrat želimo pi Hanna & Friends videti izdelke, ki bodo narejeni po dani postavitvi. Kakšna je ta postavitev, si lahko ogledate na koncu objave. Časa za sodelovanje imate le še 6 dni, zato pohitite, če si želite biti del tokratnega izziva. ;)

Hi! It's Thursday again so we are having another great Hanna & Friends Challenge. This week you need to follow lovely sketch that Kiki made. I'm sure you are going to love it and I hope you will be able to join us at Hanna & Friends. :) And here is my card:

Hanna 80_1

So as you can see I did a little change on my card if you compare it with a sketch. But main things still are there. ;) As always I used my Prismacolor pencils to color this gorgeous Tilda. Isn't she adorable? I just have to had her immediately as I saw her. :) And those balloons!! Beautiful!

Hanna 80_2

This is a sketch you need to follow:

Postavitev, ki jo morate upoštevati:

Have a nice day and don't forget to check out this weeks Hanna & Friends challenge.
Lepo se imejte do prihodnjič!
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sreda, 2. februar 2011

Whiff of Joy #97 – Love is in the air

Tudi pri Whiff of Joy smo ta teden ljubezensko razpoloženi. : ) Isto temo imamo namreč tudi na CRAFT-alnici. Tako, da vsi, ki se nameravate prijaviti na en ali drugi izziv- zakaj se ne bi kar na OBA? Smile Temi sta tako ali tako isti, kar pomeni, da s tem “ubijete” dve muhi na en mah. Winking smile

Hi! Nice to have you here. I hope you will enjoy your staying. Winking smile We have another great challenge over at Whiff of Joy. Our theme this week is Love is in the air. How sweet, ha? So don’t forget to visit other DT’s blogs because, they did an amazing job! I just can’t stop starring at their creations. That’s how gorgeous they are! And here is my love card…


Can you see those paper flowers? They are made from an old Slovenian dictionary and I have really put a lot of effort into them. You wonder why? Because one flower contains a lot of layers! First I stamped them out with three different punches and then glue every single part together. And in the end I put those small read beads on them. I usually use those beads to make my Jewelry but this time, you can see it on a flower. Winking smileBut the most important thing is – that I just love those cute-little-vintage-looking flowers and I will definitely do some more of them in the near future. Winking smile

Rožice na tej čestitki so mi vzele kar nekaj časa, saj je bilo najprej treba iztrgati par listov iz starega slovarja (ok to je bil zabaven delSmile), potem narediti rožice (s tremi različnimi štancami) in vse skupaj zlepiti skupaj. Kar pa je trajalo in trajalo in trajalo. Zakaj? Ker je ena rožica sestavljena iz kupa plasti, ki so zelo tanke in sem morala biti povrh vsega še zelo previdna, da česa ne strgam. Na koncu pa sem le uspela. Winking smile




And here are some challenges that I am entering with this card:

Crazy 4 Challenges - "vintage" or "shabby chic"

 Crafty Catz weekly challenge -  flowers

Stamptacular Sunday Challenge - Whateva

  Crafty creations – My love is like a red, red rose

Simon Says stamp Challenge – Love is in the air

  All that scraps – Anything goes

 Magical Monday Challenge – Flowers

  Papertake weekly Challenge – Anything goes + flowers

ABC Challenge – N is for Nesties

  City Crafter Challenge blog – All you need is love

Craft your days away – Love

  Creative Cowgirls Challenge – Love is in the air

Tuesday Throwdown – Stiching

 Double Dutch – Love is in the air



Se spomnite te čestitke, ki sem jo objavila nedolgo nazaj??

Do you remember this card that I published few days back?

Izbarana je bila med TOP 5 čestik na Magnolia Down under izzivu!!!! JUPI!! Smile 

It was in TOP 5 in Magnolia Down Under Challenge!!! Soooooo happy!!!! Smile

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