četrtek, 1. marec 2012

Wordless Wednesday {Superwoman, #14}

I won't be "wordless" today, because this post deserve words. 

♥ This post is about one superwoman. 

♥ Not the one like Cat-woman or something like that. Not at all. 

♥ This woman is real. And she's just stunning. She's 80 years old, but she doesn't show it. 

♥ She's been through a lot (even war) in her life, but you could never tell - she's still so positive. 

♥ She was diagnosed with serious diseases few years ago. She FIGHT IT like a superwoman - well she kinda a kick diseases ass off! Like a true warrior! 

She never complains!

♥ She tells my mom she's fat all the time! :))) And she's not fat at all. But she like to make fun of her - that's her way to tell "I like you a lot." ;) 

♥ Whenever we came home from shipping she's here - she want's to see every single item we bought. And then she will comment it (sometimes she says "Ohh why didn't you came to me? I have that exact thing from your mom when she was your age." LOL).

♥ She's mad at us every time she see that we're coloring our hair. She says: "What are you doing with your beautiful hair??? You're crazy!" :) 

♥ She only lets me put a nail polish on her little finger. Never to a whole hand! What would people say if they saw her with her nails polished??? Ohh noo!!! She can not allow herself that. ;) 

♥ She believes in marriage. She believe that when you made that commitment to someone, you have to stick with it no matter what.   

♥ She's so depressed that she still wasn't able to dance at any of her grandchild wedding. She would love that so so much - so if any of you is reading this: GET MARRIED!! Your grandma wants to dance at your wedding. And don't point your finger to me - I'm not the oldest one she has. ;) So it's not my turn yet ... but when I think about it - I am the one with the longest relationship ... so she's probably kinda counting on me, ha?? :) I never realized that!

♥ I honestly think I'm her favorite grandchild. ;))) 

♥ She hated my name when I was born! Ohhh she drive my mom crazy with her reasons why I need another name. Her "strongest" reason was: "I don't even know how to spell that name. Manula? No? M-a-n-u-e-l-a?? You just had to make it hard for me, didn't you??" But my mom was 10000% sure about it and she didn't care if her mom doesn't like it. She will get used to it, she said. And she did. She doesn't have any trouble with my name any more - she usually calls me Manuela or sometimes Neli. :)

♥ You will never hear her curse. And I mean NEVER!   

♥ No matter how old I am she still says to me: "You have to eat this or you're going to die." :)) No mama, I'm not going to die if I skip this part of my meal that I don't particularly like. 

♥ She knows almost every young Slovenian singer. She hears a song on the radio and she goes "Ohh that's ...." And we can't believe it!! Ok, I understand that she know those singer and groups that older people listen too. But no - she knows (by song) all the singers that me and my sister listen right now! 

♥ She has a cell phone, but she doesn't carry it when she goes someplace, because people might say "Oo look at her, all fancy with a cell phone." :)) That's her exact words, when I ask her why she didn't pick up her phone when I was calling her! 

♥ Luna loves her!! And whenever she goes to her house, my grandma fell so bad for Luna, because she's looking at her with those puppy eyes and she always ends up giving Luna a snack. No matter how much I'm saying to her "don't feed it, she's not hungry." And then I turn around and she gives her something! Just so Luna would stop looking at her with big brown eyes. ;) 

♥ She's 80 (as I mention before) and she still bakes - from all sorts of biscuits to bread. 

♥ My mom bought her black scarf for Christmas, and she kinda a liked it but the first chance she had she went to that store and bought herself a purple scarf. Because she loves colors and she won't wear black like some old lady. :)) That's how she explained my mother, why she need that same scarf, just in different color. 

♥ She always find the best in every person, she hardly ever judge someone and she knows the true meaning of LIFE. 

She's my grandma and I couldn't wish for a better person in my life. 

Me & my grandma at her 80th birthday celebration (August 2011). 
Na praznovanju njenega 80. rojstnega dne (avgust 2011).

♥     ♥ 

And if you want to check out my previous post about spending time with my grandma, go :HERE:

♥     ♥ 

♥     ♥   ♥     ♥   

Wordless naj bi pomenilo brez besed. Ampak ta objava žal ni možna brez besed. Pravzaprav jih imam ogromno - besed, ki bi jih rada delila z vami. :) 

♥ Ta objava je o super-ženski. 

♥ Pa ne takšni kot jo poznamo iz filmov (Cat-woman in podobno). 

♥ Ta je resnična. In čudovita. Stara je 80 let, ampak jih ne kaže. 

♥ Preživela je že toliko vsega, da se ne da niti opisati (medrugim tudi vojno). Ampak ji tega ne bi nikoli pripisali, ker je preprosto tako zelo pozitivna. 

♥ Nekaj let nazaj so ji diagnosticirali zlobno bolezen, ki uniči marsikoga (če ne fizično, pa zagotovo psihično). Nje ni! Ona se je borila in nabrcala bolezen direktno v njeno "tazadnjo," tako da si ne bo upala več priti nazaj. ;)

♥ Nikoli se ne pritožuje. 

♥ Moja mami vsaj enkrat na teden sliši komentar o tem da je en majček "predebela" in da se je fino poredila. ;) Kar niti približno ni res. Ampak naša stara mama to z največjim užitkom komentira, ker se ji zdi ekstra zabavno zbadati ljudi, ki jih ima rada. 

♥ Ko pridemo domov iz naše "šoping turneje" je vedno tu. Čaka, da vidi kaj smo kupili. In potem komentira. Včasih so njeni komentarji lepi, včasih pa bolj v stilu "ja kaj si pa to kupovala. Prišla bi k meni, pa bi ti jaz dala točno tako isto stvar. Jo imam še od tvoje mamice." Ja ... 

♥ Vsakič se jezi na nas, če vidi, da si barvamo lase. Pravi, da smo zmešane, ker si uničujemo takšne lepe lase. "A nisi dosti lepa takšna kot si??" pravi. ;) 

♥ Dovoli mi, da ji nanesem lak za nohte le na en prst - na mezinčka. Drugo niti slučajno!! Kaj bodo pa ljudje rekli, če bodo videli, da se šminka?!!? :)

♥ Trdno verjame v zakon. Ko enkrat narediš ta korak, se ne smeš več vračati nazaj. In ločitev pride v poštev le v skranjih primerih. Drugo se da vse potrpet. ;)

♥ Depresira jo dejstvo, da še ni plesala na nobeni poroki svojih vnukov. To si tako zeloooo zelooo želi, pa ji nihče ne izpolni želje. ;) Tako, da vnuki njeni dragi, če kdo to bere, veste kaj vam je storiti. POROČITE SE! Vaša stara mama bi rada plesala!! Na vaši poroki!!! In če kdo slučajno sedaj obrača svoj prst proti meni ... ne ne. Manuela ni najstarejša med vami. Čeprav, če razmislim malo bolje, sem res tista, ki je že najdlje v zvezi ... a to pomeni, da ona potihoma računa name??? :))

♥ Iskreno menim, da sem ji jaz najljubša med vsemi vnuki in vnukinjami. ;)) 

♥ Uff kako je sovražila moje ime, ko sem se rodila!! Mojo mami je že prvi dan spravljala ob živce, da kakšno ime mi pa to daje? Da kdo bo pa to znal izgovarjat? Kdo pa še ima takšno ime? Nikjer noben! :)) Ampak mami je bila več kot 1000% prepričana, da je to pravo ime in ga ni hotela zamenjati. Dandanes nima več nobenih problemov z mojim imenom, ga čisto pravilno uporablja in se ga je lepo naučila. ;) Za njo sem ponavadi Nelika. ;) 

♥ Nikoli je ne boste slišali preklinjati! Ampak res nikoli! Za njo je kletvica "porkamadona." Pa še to ne vem, če kdaj izreče. Se ne spomnem. 

♥ Ne glede na to koliko sem stara, mi še vedno reče: "Moraš to pojest, če ne boš umrla." Ne mama, ne bom umrla, če ne pojem en del obroka, ki mi ni najbolj všeč. ;)

♥ Pozna toliko slovenskih pevcev, da je kar smešno, ko jo slišiš koga vse prepozna (pa ne samo po videzu, ampak po radiu!!). Ok ne bi bilo nič čudnega, če bi pač poznala skupine in pevce, ki jih pač starejši ljudje poslušajo. To bi bilo povsem normalno. Ampak, da ve da to pesem izvaja Omar Naber in spet eno drugo Alya ... ok tu pa se ji lahko marsikdo samo prikloni. ;) Včasih še moja mami ne ve kdo to poje, pa ji stara mama pove. ;))) 

♥ Ima mobitel. Ampak ga ne nosi s seboj, ko kam gre. A zakaj ne? Ker jo bo kdo videl in bo rekel, da je fina stara baba, ker nosi mobitel s seboj. (- to so njene besede, ne moje) ;) 

♥ Luna jo obožuje! In vsakič, ko gre k njej na obisk, se ji ta obisk tudi splača. Namreč ni važno kolikokrat povem "Mama ne dajaj ji nič, ker ni lačna." Luna pa gleda s svojimi velikimi okicami, milo prosi in isto sekundo, ko se obrnem stran slišim "mljac, mljac" in Luna že pohrusta nekaj kar je dobila, ker je pa tako milo jo gledala. :)  

♥ Kot sem že prej omenila - stara je 80 let, ampak še vedno na veliko peče. Vse od piškotov, potic pa do kruha. Tudi rezance redno dela. ;)

♥ Mami ji je za Božič kupila črn šal. Črn ker bo nekako najbolj univerzalen in ga bo lahko kombinirala k vsemu, pa še 80. let je stara. Ljudje teh let imajo najraje temne barve, mar ne? Noup! Napaka!! Stara mama je ob prvi priliki, ki jo je dobila šla v to isto trgovino in si kupila vijoličen šal. Ker "kaj pa ona (moja mami) misli, da bo tak grd črn šal nosila?? To naj stare babe nosijo. ;)"

Vse to in še veliko več je moja stara mama. ;)) 

♥     ♥ 

In če ste slučajno zamudili mojo objavo o peki piškotov s to prijetno 80 letno damo, kliknite :TUKAJ:

♥     ♥ 
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