ponedeljek, 20. februar 2012

Worst Saturday morning ever

{Prevod v slovenščino sledi zelo kmalu. :) Hvala za razumevanje.}

I'm still not even sure what happened, but it was awful! I woke up around 8am with very painful stomachache and it just didn't stopped. I went downstairs to ask my mum for some medicine or anything like that - I was in such a terrible pain. She asked me what exactly is aching me - stomach or abdomen. And I was like "Woman it hurts really badly, and there's no way I can narrow my pain to just one part of my body. I fell this abnormal pain in every part of my below chest - above pelvis." So she gave me something to drink - it was pretty natural (herbal) thing, so she couldn't go wrong with that. But it didn't help. At all. I was still moaning in pain. 

My sister turn on a TV - s that I would focus on that, instead on my pain. Not working. Luna just sat there, all sad, watching me - trying to get into my lap, not understanding why she was still sitting on the floor, why I didn't picked her up already, why am I making such a funny voices, that she never heard before. It was so hard to watch her, since she knew somethings wrong. 

Then I forced myself to move - into a bathroom. I didn't knew what to do with myself. I just sat there, on the floor, waiting for something good to happen, but I was pretty much felling worse and worse with every second. In one moment I felt cold and in a another so warm I started undressing myself. My mum asked me if I feel sick. She said: "If you feel sick, then I won't get you chamomile tea, but if you don't feel sick I can make it for you." Oh my God!! How can I tell if I'm sick or not if this pain is killing me?! I can't  determined if I'm sick because of this pain, or was I sick before that pain came along - since I was sleeping before pain!!! I know - I'm super bad at being patient, but what can I do? ;) 

She made me tea anyway. Bad idea! Sooo bad it made me even sicker, and I only made two sips. 

So here I am - on my bathroom floor. Not knowing what the hell is wrong with me and thinking what should I take so it would help me feel better. And then I remembered all those pregnant ladies that are out there somewhere. And they fell sick every single day - some for three months, some even longer ... OMG, I felt ever worse thinking about it and thinking about throwing up every day - sometimes ever more than once a day. I'm not pregnant by the way, but this thought about pregnant women crossed my mind since I was sitting on the floor ... of a bathroom.  And then I hug our toilet --- what happened next ... use your imagination. Or better don't. 

I was sitting there for few minutes ... waiting for next sign - can I leave bathroom now, or is it going to happen again ... fortunately for me I manage to crawl into my bed, take a 2 hours long nap and when I woke up, I felt a little better. Pain was still there, but in a much more lighter version. 

My girl ... trying to make me feel better. And me - feeling not so good, just hoping this Saturday morning will end soon. 

It's late Sunday evening right now (around 1am) and I can still feel some pain from time to time. Not always, but lets say I feel it once in an hour. And then nothing. It just goes away.

And if you're thinking about cramps - I know how that feels, so it's not that. This is something new, something I never ever experienced yet. It feels like a some version of muscle pain (musclefiber - 'DOMS' (Delayed Onset of Muscle Soreness)). But I never felt if like this before. Plus I don't remember doing anything that could cause that kind of pain.  And my legs hurt to - when I walk a lot, or crouch. Strange thing, ha? I know. And I just hope it will end soon, so I can forget all about it. 

Well that Saturday afternoon I did feel a little bit better. M. convinced me that it would be good for me to go shopping. ;) And my sister wanted to go so badly, so I did it. For her. And for M. And for moi, of course. ;) After all - shopping is the best medicine that girl can get. ;) I could feel that I'm not 100% healthy during whole shopping. But I did sacrifice for greater good. ;)

It wasn't one of those nice mornings ... at all. 

Take care of yourself and keep smiling, 
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5 komentarjev:

  1. Bošček..., hitro in dobro se pozdravi, da boš spet v "ta pravi" formi in dobrem počutju. Lep pozdrav:))

  2. Ojej... Upam, da si že boljše!

  3. Upam, da si že dosti boljše.

    Ali si mogoče pomislila na kakšno zastrupitev z hrano? Meni se je namreč to že zgodilo in zelo boli.

    No hitro se pozdravi in upam, da se to ne zgodi še kdaj.

  4. Joj boga! :/ Ja, jaz sem tudi najprej pomislila na zastrupitev s hrano, to zna biti grozno.
    Upam, da se že bolje počutiš!

  5. Hvala punce. :) Se počutim že čisto ok, tako da so se na srečo bolečine končale skupaj z vikendom. ;)

    In ja, tudi jaz sem pomislila na zastrupitev s hrano, ker bolečine so bile povsem drugačne od takšnih, ki jih poznam. Noro v glavnem. :S Glavno, da je minilo!


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