sreda, 15. februar 2012

Whiff of Joy - #123 {Sketch}

Well HELLO! :) Whiff of joy design team was my dream few years ago and then one day my MOJO was gone! Puffff! Black out! It was so stressful for me, because I wanted to create something but it just wan not working - at all!! And when that time came [to decide if I'm still going to be part of wonderful WOJ design team or step down] I imaginary slap myself and said "Come one girl! You can do it! Just sit down and create something." And I did. I create this card and I love it! :) I won't lie - I know I'm still not there where I was I would say a year ago, but I hope I will get there. ;) 

Pa sem spet nazaj! :)) In tokrat malo drugače, kot ste bili morda navajeni zadnje čase. Danes vam namreč pokažem ČESTITKO!! Jaaaaa! :)

Vabilo v Whiff of Joy ustvarjalni tim je milo rečeno bila velika čast in poklon mojemu ustvarjanju. Vendar pa se včasih stvari obrnejo drugače kot bi si človek želel in enostavno določene zadeve ne gredo tako kot si želimo. In tako je bilo tudi z mojim ustvarjanjem. Vendar je prišel čas, da naredim en "rez" čez situacijo, ki je nastala - ali se dokončno poslovim od WOJ ustvarjalnega tima ali pa se vrnem nazaj na stare tire. Kakšna je bila moja odločitev vam je verjetno že precej jasno, kajne? ;) Glede na to, da je spodaj fotografija čestitke, že veste da sem se odločila za vrnitev v čudoviti ustvarjalni tim Whiff of Joy. 

In tu je moja čestitka za 123. izziv, nastala je na podlagi postavitve, ki jo morate upoštevati, če želite sodelovati na izzivu (postavitev najdete na koncu te objave). 

I choose all this bright colors, because I just can't wait for the spring to come to our country. It's sunny outside, but still cold, so I guess we will have to wait few weeks for some spring-a-like weather. 

And here's sketch you need to follow if you want to participate in challenge no. 123.

So be sure to join us at WHIFF OF JOY challenge and check out all those amazing inspiring design team cards.

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Few jewelry items that I love from my Etsy shop. Check them out. 

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Have a wonderful day, 
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5 komentarjev:

  1. Manuela!! Hooray!! I was so thrilled to see your card in the challenge post and couldn't wait to come over and comment! I'm so thrilled you could make a card and it is gorgeous! I love the gingham - so fresh and a perfect reminder that spring is on the way. Love all your jewelry too! all gorgeous! big hugs, Jane xxx

  2. Ja veš, lepo je videt pri tebi spet čestitke in škoda bi bilo, če ne bi bilo tako!
    Tudi uhančki so vsak po svoje corti :-))

  3. FAbulous card, Manuela!! Beautiful colour combo and embellies! Hugs, Juliexx

  4. OOh and meant to say how gorgeous your jewellry pieces are!! Juliexx


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