torek, 24. januar 2012

Weird Fact about me {4}

Here we go with new fact about me ...

*I use men perfume (almost) whenever I saw it. *

I LOVE men perfumes! They smell so nice and whenever I feel like it and I saw some nice looking perfume that my boyfriend (or sometimes my dad) own, I will use it. ;) Obviously when I go out I use my (women) perfumes, but when I'm at home, I do use perfumes that don't belong to me sometimes. ;))

+ Tomorrow is January 25th. Which means Christmas was exactly one month ago. And now it's perfect time for me to show you what I got from Santa. ;) So TOMORROW = MY CHRISTMAS GIFTS :)

+ Beautiful blog SS Fashion world is having this great game, called * Sunday Wish - list *

Check it out, join in it and create your own Wish - list. I already made it, you can check it out :here:

+ As you already know I add new items in my Etsy shop every single day. So you can imagine how many new items I have to show you. And some beautiful new necklaces! Wow! You have to check them out. And here are some new Earrings that I just love and I should made some of them for me too. Not a bad idea, ha? ;)

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Dejstvo o meni št. 4 ...

* Ko mi "zapaše" uporabljam moške parfume. *

Točno tako. :) To ne pomeni, da jih uporabljam ves čas - ampak samo takrat, ko se mi zljubi in ko vidim kakšno lepo stekleničko, ki kar kliče moje ime. ;) Nikoli ga ne uporabljam, ko kam grem .. ampak doma je pa druga stvar. Če vidim nekaj kar mi je všeč, si pač postrežem. Na srečo imam veliko izbire in se jih nikoli ne naveličam. ;) 

Novo dejstvo pričakujte že naslednji torek. ;) 

+ Jutri bo 25. januar. Kar pomeni, da je minil točno en mesec od božiča, kar pomeni, da zdaj idelani čas, da vam pokažem svoja božična darila, a ne? ;) Torej JUTRI = MOJA BOŽIČNA DARILA. :) Ne zamudi!!! 

+ Na SS Fashion World ravnokar poteka igrica * Sunday Wish-list *

Pridruži se ji in pokaži kaj je trenutno na tvojem seznamu želja. ;) 

+ V moji Etsy trgovinici je veliko novih uhančkov, verižic in še česa. Zato pokukaj tam, da jih ne zamudiš. ;) 

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