torek, 31. januar 2012

Weird Fact about me {5}

* Movies can make me cry (like a little girl ;))*

Yes, I admit. Sad or extremely romantic movie scenes make me cry all the time. I can't help myself, I just cry. ;) M. is always checking on me when we watch movie, because this still makes him laugh after all those years. ;)  

+ New items in my Etsy shop - check them out: 

1 / 2 / 3 / 4

* Filmi me znajo spraviti v jok *

Priznam: raznorazne filmske scene me spravijo v jok - lahko je to izredno žalosten trenutek ali pa ekstremno romantično, čustveno dejanje, ki ni nujno žalostno. ;) Jaz jokam. :) M. me vedno sprašuje "A jokaš?" :)) Njega to še vedno spravlja v smeh, tudi po vseh teh letih. =)

+ Novi izdelki v moji Etsy trgovinici so: 

1 / 2 / 3 / 4

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ponedeljek, 30. januar 2012


Here we go with new Wish - list. :) I could add so many things on it, but here few that I decided to show you today.

I LOVE THIS WATCH!! It's so gorgeous and I want it so so much! 

I "need" new bag. Well to be honest ... I want new bag, more than I need it. ;) But this one will be perfect for everyday errands, don't you think so? 

Need it!!! Such a pretty colors and great design. And I really need it + want it, of course. ;) 

So cute! I adore everything with polkadots and this little pig is such a sweetie. :)) 

I need to buy some Happy socks for M. :) Polka dots again :) but I really like them and I am pretty sure he would like them too. ;) First one look a bit more feminine, but apparently those are man socks. ;) No matter what - I LOVE THEM. :)) 

So this is it for this week. I have so many great things on my wish-list, but I will show them next Sunday. ;) Be here, so you don't miss it. 

And make sure to play this beautiful game with us! Go to SS Fashion World and be part of it! :)

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sobota, 28. januar 2012

My life ... [according to instagram] ›1‹


My life.. [according to instagram] is new thing on my blog. And I want to start at the beginning, so here we go from the instagram picture no. 1. If you follow me on Twitter or Facebook, you might see all of these before, but I guess you won't mind seeing them again. ;) 

My life.. [according to instagram] - nova zadeva na mojem blogu. :) In ker sem hotela začeti na začetku, tako kot se spodobi vam danes pokažem slikice, ki niso ravno nove, so pa prve. In tako pač moramo začeti, če želimo začeti na začetku. ;) 

1. Luna
2. Luna in my closet / Luna v moji omari :)
3. Mmmm so yummmeee
4. Shopping time + my new earrings / Čas za nakupovanje + novi uhančki


1. Christmas decoration in Ljubljana / Božična dekoracija v Cityparku
2. Christmas nails / Božična barvna kombinacija
3. Flowers for new earrings / Rožice za uhančke
4. Luna 


1. Perfect Sunny day in January / Čudovit sončen dan sredi januarja
2. Green & Brown nail polish / Zelen & rjav lak
3. Spend just one hour in hospital - too much! / Ena sama ura v bolnišnici - čist preveč! ;)
4. Drinking Latte Macchiato from my sisters Sponge Bob mug. :) / Latte Macchiato iz čudovite Spužva Bob skodelice, ki je last moje sestre. ;)


1. Oo spring would you please come? And bring some of these beautiful cherries with you! I miss both so so much! / Pomlad ... a bo kmalu prišla?? In prinesla vse te čudovite češnjice s seboj?? Noro pogrešam oboje. 
2. Luna sleeping on my arm. She just love to cuddle. / Lunči se "carta." Vedno in povsod izkoristi priložnost, da pride na kolena. ;)
3. Green & Mint tea for my mom. It smelled sooo good. / Zeleni in metin čaj za mojo mami. Čudovito dišeč. ;)
4. Dolce Gusto - love it! / Obožujem Dolce Gusto! Mmmm!


1. Building this thing (wardrobe). Well Luna was sitting in my lap, so I guess I didn't do that much. ;) / Zlaganje omare. No ja eni smo imeli Luno v naročju, tako da nismo ravno veliko zlagali. ;) 
2. Hi, Luna! :)
3. Cute little frog Earrings. Soon in (my Etsy shop). / Sladke male žabice. :) Kmalu v moji Etsy trgovinici.
4. Just one beautiful and amazing day! / Čudovit in neprecenljiv trenutek v naravi. :) 

You can expect new My life ... [according to instagram] very soon - with a lot of new pictures. :)

Novo objavo My life ... [according to instagram] lahko pričakujete zelo kmalu. :) 

Hope you are having a great day,

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petek, 27. januar 2012

Show some Etsy Love {12.}

Show some Etsy Love is here again!! I just love this kind of post, because I always find great things on Etsy. ;) 

My inspirational item from my shop are this earrings

My key word: Woodland

If you are a featured seller: Hope you like this post and fell free to share it with your (Twitter, Facebook) friends. :) They will sure like to see your success. ;) 

In case you would like to check out some of the previous *Show some Etsy Love* click here.

All the items I already use in my Show some Etsy love posts. :)

***  ***  ***
+ Don't miss tomorrow post: My life.. [according to instagram]
Can't wait to show you some cute pictures. ;) 

***  ***  ***

Enjoy and keep smiling! :) 


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četrtek, 26. januar 2012

Wordless Wednesday {Christmas gifts, #10}

Finally!!! I take some time to go through all my Christmas gifts, write them down and find pictures to show them to you. It took me some time, but here we go. ;) 

There's no particular order with this gifts, I just randomly put pictures in. ;) 

+ Beautiful Promod Wallet: 
+ Promod gloves:

+ Hanna Werning 2012 diary: 

I love all this space that I have to write things down! Precious! 

+ Paul's Boutique Cosmetic bag:
+ I was whining about all my empty perfume bottles and this is what happened. 4 different but extremely good smelling perfumes! I love every one of them. 

This last two I already owned for quite some years now and both my bottles were empty, so I was so happy to get new ones. ;)

+ Dolce Gusto!!! I love it!! Best coffee ever! and Chococino!! Mmmm - it's absolutely gorgeous! 

We don't have this Aghata R. nice looking one, but I love it anyway. ;)

+ Three new O.P.I. nail polishes, but I can't tell you the exact color since I don't know it and I can't check it right now since I have them in the same room where Luna's sleeping. ;) And I don't want to wake her up. ;) But they are some nude/pink shades, that I know. ;) I didn't even try them all yet - just one. ;)  

This picture is just random one. 

+ Polka dot PJ and cute polka dot socks. :) 

I didn't get this exact ones, but very similar. Ribbon on my pants is grey and polka dots are colorful. :)

+ Nars Funny Face lipstick. Tried it only once and I'm sure I have it in some bag, but not sure in which one. ;) 

+ Two new books. Uhhh I love books! We (my family) have so many books, that we would really need some extra place to put them all in. :)

River Island Watch

+ Gorgeous Aldo bag! 

I actually receive this one after the Christmas, so this one didn't even meet our Christmas tree, but it was still part of my Christmas gifts. ;) 

+ An amazing Gift Certificate for dm-drogerie markt. 

Can't wait to spend it!! :) Well I won't be buying any perfume, that's for sure. ;)

+ I did get a lot of sweet things too - like chocolate and things like that. But we ate most of it already so I have nothing to show you. ;) 

I have some new necklaces in my Etsy shop

And if you are wondering about the length: 

It's long as the necklace marked on this picture. 

 Stay beautiful and smart + don't forget to smile! :) 


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