Here we go - as I promised. Free download just for you!! Enjoy in your all 10 of them, create something beautiful and make sure to let me know what you've came up to. I would love to see it, because I know it will be amazing! =) And that's not just because you'll use my papers. ;)
Kot obljubljeno - tukaj je 10 digitalnih papirjev, ki že zelo nestrpno čakajo, da jih nekdo uporabi in nam vsem pokaže kakšno slikico. ;) Torej, če se odločiš ustvariti kaj lepega z njimi, lepo lepo prosim sporoči mi, ker si bom z največjim veseljem ogledala tvoj izdelek. :)
Click on the image to download it!
Klikni na sliko in si shrani komplet listov!
Click on this image to make letters bigger! :)
Have a nice day,
Manuela, hvala. Kot vedno so krasni in ideja je že v moji glavi.
OdgovoriIzbrišican we print them and than use them?
OdgovoriIzbrišithey are wonderfull!
OdgovoriIzbrišisure! You can download it and use it whenever you want.
There's only one thing I would really appreciate: if you could link it back to my blog, so the others can find those papers too. :)
And I would be thrilled if you would leave me a comment, just to tell me where can a admire your work with my papers. - this is obvious not something you must do, but I love checking up on things people create with my papers and sharing it with my readers. So it's great for you too, since I will share a link to your work with a lot of people. ;)
Wishing you a beautiful day,