torek, 31. julij 2012

All Star Summer Ootd

Hello lovely people, 

I shared these two pictures with my IG (Instagram) friends quite some time ago, but didn't post them here. So I'm doing that today. ;) 

This one was taken after some quick grocery shopping (I think). And when I'm doing that sort of things (grocery shopping) I like to keep it simple and comfy. 

Light yellow All stars! My fav!!!
Esprit jeans, Berska belt (I belive), H&M neon pink top, Zara bag. 

And this picture was taken during playing with my sweet little cutie pie - Luna. And when you're playing with her, you need to be as simple dressed as possible. Nothing too white or you're going to end up looking like some crazy dirty persone! 

My All stars again! :) 
+ one of my fav summer skirt because it's so light you don't even know you are wearing it. And that what I appreciate when we talk about hot summer days. ;) Ooo and it's from Urban republic (almost forgot to share that info with you).

Have a wonderful day, 

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ponedeljek, 30. julij 2012

It's Monday!

Hello pretty people, 

I just wanted to share this with you - because it's Monday. And Mondays can be hard sometimes ... ;) 

Happy Monday! :) 


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petek, 27. julij 2012

This is one of the reason ...

... why I do what I do 

I know it hard to understand for some people why I decided to do what I do. Creating Jewelry! Come on! That's not even a profession ... but it is. For me it is. More than just a job. It means everything to me and no matter how much you try not to take those comments seriously ... they get to you at some point or another. 

But it gets easier. And small thing make it even more beautiful that you ever imagine it can be. 

I received an email with this special order. K. wanted to know if I could make her idea come to life - special ring for her and her sister. No problem! I'm always ready to face a new challenge. And there wasn't a challenge (so far) that I couldn't win. So bring it on, if you have something special on you mind. :) 

She wanted Perfect ring. Literally Perfect! ;) One in red and one in green color. And Roger Federer logo was the whole point of these two little babies. 

My design: 
Rings in action: 

They were so kind and send me these beautiful pictures! I was super duper happy about it! ;)

And you know what?? That's not all! They went really beyond everything I ever expected from someone I don't even know in person - we just "know" each other because of my Jewelry!

They send me this cute postcard from Wimbledon: 

Note said: Rings are beautiful, Federer even more. Thank you :) 

I think I died that day and went straight to heaven. ;) 

So THANK YOU again, lovely ladies. You made my month (not just a day). ;) 

To je eden od razlog ... zakaj počnem to kar počnem !

Zavedam se kako težko je nekaterim dojeti kaj počnem v svojem življenu. Kako sem "zavrgla" varno prihodnost in se posvečam nečemu kar nima prihodnosti. Svoje znanje in trud vlagam v NAKIT! Mislim - NAKIT! A je to sploh lahko služba?! Zame je lahko. Priznam, pa da to ni za vsakega. Je plavanje proti toku in ne glede na to kako se trudiš, da si ne jemleš k srcu vsakega dvomljivega komentarja ... normalno, da te prizadenejo.

Ampak z vsakim dnem je lažje. Z vsakim dnem ljudje bolj cenijo tvoje delo in se začenjo zavedati, da vse skupaj ni bila le muha enodnevnica. 

Potem pa so tu še te male stvari, ki polešajo ne samo dan, ampak lahko tudi cel teden, mesec, leto. Dejansko delujejo tako. 

Že nekaj časa nazaj sem prejela poseben mail, v katerem me je K. spraševala če je možno naročiti prav poseben prstan. Takšen kot si ga je ona zamislila. Seveda!! Še ni bilo naročila za katerega bi rekla "Joj tega pa ne znam / ne morem narediti." Sprejmem vsak izziv in se ga lotim z vso svojo vnemo in znanjem, ki ga premorem. 

Želela je prav poseben prstan. No dejansko dva prstana - enega zanjo in enega za sestro. 
Pogoj je bil napis "Perfect" z logotipom Rogerja Federerja. Eden v rdeči in drugi v zeleni barvi. 

Nastalo je tole: 

In končni izgled:

In najboljše od vsega?? Fotografije niti niso vse kar sta mi poslali! Še večje presenečnje je prišlo po pošti! KARTICA iz Wimbledon-a!! Aaaaa!!! Po moje se mi je čeljust raztegnila do tal, ko sem jo videla! Tako čudovitega presenečnja pa res že dolgo ne. 

Napisali sta: 


HVALA vama še enkrat! Ni je besede, ki bi lahko opisala moje navdušenje nad vsem kar sta naredili! Res sta fantastični! :) 

Bodite lepo in imejte se radi, 

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četrtek, 26. julij 2012

Nike vs. Adidas vs. Me

Remember this?? 

If you follow me on Instagram (or Facebook or Twitter - links on the left) then you know what's this picture all about. :) 

And if not (although I can't find any reason why not! ;)) I'll be glad to feel you in. 

This Saturday was quick shopping time. I call it quick, although a lot of people would conceder it a long one. But for long ones are those when I leave home in the morning and don't come back until it's really dark outside and some people are actually already sleeping. ;) So this Saturday we just went to check few thing out and I fell in love with those babies above. First I saw purple one (Nike) and I liked it. I wasn't thrilled with them as I sometimes am, but I liked them. ;) 
So we went to another store and the only pair I actually like were those white and turquoise one (Adidas). 

And then it came time to decide. Which one to choose??? When it's particularly hard to decide about something I just think about one simple solution. If you would throw a coin and chose sides (one side for each pair of shoes) - is there a side that you wish just a bit more that would turn up to be the wining one??

And after posting that picture and asking you to help me, I realized that I already know the answer. 

I want ....

I just realized how my nail polish matches with my new shoes! ;)

+ better feeling while wearing them
+ LOVE this white - turquoise - neon pink color combination
+ M. liked them more
+ and they don't look so "running shoes" alike ;) I hate that "traditional" running shoes shape and so I guess that's why I feel in love with this one. They are different. 

The only downside for me was:
- they are WHITE! So it would be quite a task to keep them clean, but Hey! You can't have it all, right?!

I won't run marathon with them, otherwise I wouldn't buy them. I know all about the best running shoes and which one won which test (M. tells me this things), but for me this one will be enough. Plus those shoes that are the best (won tests and stuff) aren't nearly as pretty as these babies are. ;) 

And another funny thing happened. I was reading your comments to M. and told him that much more people likes purple ones (Nike), I wasn't expecting that at all. And he just smiled at me and told me that I do things my own way since the day we met (and that's pretty long period of my life) :) and that I'm always standing out of the crowd - this way or another, so it's not even a question how will I decide. *sweet* 

So I went home with Adidas bag, full of Adidas goodies. ;) Will show them all to you soon. 

Thank you for reading all of this (I talk a lot, yes) and have a wonderful day, 

Hello, hello! 

Se spomnite te slikice?? 

Če me spremljate na Instagramu (uporabniško ime: manuela_s) ali Facebooku ali celo Twitterju (vse povezave so zgoraj levo), potem veste (skoraj) vse o tej fotografiji. Če pa ne, pa ostanite z menoj in vam razložim. 

Sobota je bila namenjena enemu "hitremu" šopingu. No zame je to "hiter" šoping, marsikomu bi se zdel neznasko dolg. Ampak v mojem slovarju je pod dolg šoping zapisano celodnevno nakupovanje. Tisto, ki se začne že zjutraj (ko si moram celo naštimati budilko, da se pravočasno zbudim) in ki se konča že ob trdni temi (tudi poleti, ne samo pozi, ko je tema že ob petih), ko nekateri pošteni ljudje že veselo smrčijo, drugi pa šele vlečemo vrečke iz avta. No temu jaz rečem  PRAVI ŠOPING, vse ostalo je bolj tako - na hitrco. ;) 

M. mi je najprej pokazal vijolične (Nike) in po pravici povedano sem bila že takrat v dvomih. To so copati, ki sem jih videvala vsakič, ko sem prišla v to trgovino! Čisto vsakič! Ista barva, ista oblika, isto vse. In sem imela občutek, da jih gledam že tako zelo dolgo, da sem jih že naveličana. Ampak sem še vedno dopuščala možnost, da so mi všeč. In da bi jih imela. 
Dokler nisem zavila z naslednjo trgovino in odkrila ta Adidasov zakladek. :) Pred tem sem jih že videla, ampak jih nikoli nisem imela namena zares kupiti (vsaj prepričevala sem se, da je tako). 

Odločitev je bila težka, ampak nekako sem že takoj vedela, katere so mojim očkom bolj ljube. ;) 
Pomislila sem tudi na nasvet, ki ga večkrat uporabim, ko se trudim odločiti za kakšno stvar. 
Gre pa takole: Če bi vrgel kovanec (in določil strani), na katero stran bi potiho upal, da bo padel. In jaz sem vedela katera je moj stran. Samo nisem hotela priznati takoj. ;) Da malo zakompliciram življenje (ker jaz pač to rada počnem). 

Ampak potem sem se vrnila na kraj dogodka in prosila trgovko, če mi jih prinese (bili so ZADNJI - zadnji par v tej barvi, zadnji v katerikoli številki! Samo še mene so čakali!), ker sem jih dala na stran, da mi jih slučajno katera ne odnese izpred nosa. 

Odločitev je torej padala in z menoj so šli tile ... 


+ boljši občutek na nogi
+ BARVA! a moram še kaj povedati?? Kombinacija bele, turkizne in neonsko pink je božanska! V živo še veliko bolj kot na tej fotografiji! ;) 
+ M. so bili ti bolj všeč (v 99% primerov so nama všeč iste stvari) :)
+ ne zgledajo kot tipični tekaški čevlji. Tipični mi niso všeč. Preveč "možačasto" zgledajo (če je komu ta opis smiselen OK, ker obstaja možnost, da je samo v moji glavi razumljiv) in jih nikoli nisem marala. Te pa so drugačni. 
+ "jezik" na Nike-ovih je del celote (ni posebej, kot pri večini čevljev) in to mi ni bilo najbolj všeč

Edina negativna lastnost, ki me je preganjala je istočasno tudi ena izmed zgoraj navedenih plusov: 
- barva: bele barva. Na adidaskah, ki bodo šli vsepovsod. In jaz grem marsikje. Tudi po blatu. Roko na srce večkrat sem do sedaj hodila po blatu, kot po suhih poteh. In kako točno bom očistila in dosegla to lepo belo barvo??? Še ne vem, sporočim, če odkrijem. M. pravi, da gre. Jaz pravim, da ne bo šlo ravno najbolj lepo, amapk OK. Bomo že. 

* Če kdo (izmed super duper dobrih tekačev) odkimava z glavo, ker te copati niso najboljša izbira za tek, naj vas potolažim. Manuela nima namena teči maratonov z njimi. Noup. Poznam rezultate najrazličnejših testov opravljenih na tekaški obutvi in poznam firme, ki so top of the top. Najboljše v vseh pogledih. Ampak jaz ne potrebujem takšnih copatov in če smo čisto iskreni mi tudi lepi niso. Ne me tepst zaradi tega komentarja, ampak mi res niso. Ne glede na to katere mi pokažete. In jaz imam rada lepe stvari, ne takšne s katerimi bi samo po temi prišla ven, da jih ne vidim. ;) 

Med mojim kompliciranjem in tuhtanjem katere naj bi izbrala, mi je M. pomagal odpraviti vse dvome. Brala sva vaše komentarje o tem katere naj izberem in ugotovila, da je večina bila mnenja, da bi morala izbrati vijolične. Jaz pa sem bila veliko bolj na strani belih ... in pravi M., da sem tako ali tako že celo življenje nekaj posebnega in da sploh ne dvomi, da se bom odločila tako kot bom sama hotela. Ker je to edini način, ki ga poznam. *ups, ne?* Priznam, da me pozna bolj kot kdorkoli. :) 

Torej sem šla domov z Adidasovo vrečko in Adidasovimi dobrotami. Kaj vse je še pristalo v moji vrečki, pokažem kmalu. Za danes bo dovolj. 

Hvala vsem, ki ste zdržali do tukaj. Ni bilo lahko prebiti se skozi vse te besede in zdržati do konca. ;) 

Pa lep pozdravček, 

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sreda, 25. julij 2012

CRAFT-alnica #61

Pa je minilo novih 14 dni! Kako hitro se obrne, kaj?? 

In pred nami je izziv, katerega je določila Janja, glasi pa se "Pravljično." 

Tuhtala sem in tuhtala kaj pravljičnega bi lahko uporabila na svojem nakitu in se domislila tega čudovitega motiva. Konjiček je definitivno ena izmed velikokrat uporabljenih pravljičnih živali in tako se je znašel tudi na mojih uhančkih. ;) 

Uhančki bodo v kratkem na poličkah moje Etsy trgovinice

Sodelujte torej na našem tokratnem izzivu, pokukajte pa tudi k SimoniLili in Janji ter preverite kaj so lepega ustvarile. ;)

Imejte se lepo,

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ponedeljek, 23. julij 2012


My sister posted these amazing wedding pictures and I just have to show them to you! They are fabulous! Perfect bride and groom, perfect wedding cake and perfect everything. ;) 

So here's just a sneak peak, but if you'll like to see the whole thing go visit my sisters blog and take a look. You won't regret it, I can promise you that. 

Love this cake!

Have a wonderful day, 
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nedelja, 22. julij 2012

True, true ... so true

Yes, you're not the only one. Thank God for that, ha? ;) 

Ok this happens to me a lot. I watched a lot of movies in my life! And when I need to recommend someone a movie ... ammm ... Nothing! Absolutely nothing. Like I live in a cave or something. Get it together girl! Or don't ... and just let people assume you don't even know what movie is. Whatever. 

Yes. That's me. Won't say anything else. I'm a poor loser. Indeed.

If you follow me on Instagram (my name there: manuela_s) you can see when I go to sleep sometimes. And I'm talking crazy hours here. Last night I went sleeping around 3.30 am! Crazy person alert! 

So enjoy your day (or evening) and see you soon, 

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sobota, 21. julij 2012

Just sayin' ...

And if any one of you is wondering: I'm not gay. I just don't have problems with other people being gay. I'm not afraid of them, I don't think they are abnormal in any possible way and I truly believe that they do not choose to be gay. And they are certainly not going through a phase. So get over it! Thank you! 

Have a great day and be kind to each other
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petek, 20. julij 2012

Black and Gold


time for new notd. :) 

This one was actually made days ago, but as you can imagine - forget to post it. But here it is. 

I must say I love this black and gold color combination! Will definitely use it again soon. 

 Ruby Kisses: Pure black (two coats)
 Essence: Snow White collection: The Huntsman (one coat)

Have a wonderful day, 

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četrtek, 19. julij 2012

Joules Wellies

Ok ... I must admit I love them (them are: Joules Wellies) even more for using this SWEET image on their page!! This is so unfair - they know how to push my buttons. They really do. 

Sweet little baby pug. Ooo just stop with your sweetness!

SO my wish list is now even longer! Longer for at least one pair of this awesome Joules Wellies! I hope I won't have to wait for Santa to bring them to me ... because let's face it - that's way to long for me to wait. 

This babies stole my heart: 

Some other cuties: 

I better stop looking at them or I'll end up with a new order made today ... on my name ... no Santa involved. Yikes. ;)

Have a great day,
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sreda, 18. julij 2012


Time for new and lovely FREE DOWNLOAD! I will print this one out and use it in my studio. Hope it will really make me happy every time I see it. ;) You should totally try it and see if it does the trick for you. :)

Your download image will be Watermark Free

Click on the image to download it.

Pastel "Be happy"

Pink "Be happy"

Want to see more FREE DOWNLOADS?? More digital papers, more sentiments, planners?? Just click on the FREE DOWNLOAD (on the top of this blog). 

Have a nice day,

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torek, 17. julij 2012

Mary Poppins Theme Birthday Tea Party

Hello and welcome to real Mary Poppins Theme Birthday party! :)

And if you'll like to check out my previous parties, please go -HERE-

Wishing you all a magical day,
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