četrtek, 31. maj 2012

India Birthday Party

Oh well don't we all LOVE themed parties?? I sure do! If you want to see the ones I showed so far go -HERE- and enjoy! Many great ideas, trust me on that.

So today I want to show you something really amazing. INDIA BIRTHDAY PARTY! Wow, that should be colorful and fun, right? So let's take a look.

Have a gorgeous day, 
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sreda, 30. maj 2012

CRAFT-alnica #57

Ptice - to je naš tokratni izziv CRAFT-alnice, ki ga je določila Janja. Super izziv, če se mene vpraša. :) Zakaj? Zato, ker obožujem ptice vseh vrst, oblik in velikosti. Velikokrat se znajdejo na mojem nakitu in tudi tokrat je tako. Mali modri ptički na zelenih uhančkih. 

Uhančke lahko najdeš v moji Etsy trgovinici. :)

Sodelujte torej na našem tokratnem izzivu, pokukajte pa tudi k SimoniLili in Janji ter preverite kaj so lepega ustvarile. ;)

Imejte se lepo,

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Pug named Humphrey {1}

You'll understand - if you have a dog. You will totally get it if you have a PUG! :))

Enjoy it!

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torek, 29. maj 2012

Weird Fact about me {13}

I love my iPhone!

I really do. With all my heart. Our love is unconditional.

It's the last thing I touch before I go to bed and the first thing I touch when I wake up. I don't even know when I become so obsessed with it, but I kind a am.

I nag to M. sometimes about how obsessed he is with his iPhone, but truth to be told I'm not that far from him. Oh no ... our love towards our phones is crazy sometimes. :) But at the same time there are days when I barley touch it. Whole day! So I guess I'm not that messed up after all ... at least not for now. ;) 

Obožujem svoj telefon!

Resnično ga. Obožujem. Z vsem svojim srcem. 

Je zadnja stvar, ki se je dotaknem predno zaspim in prva, ko se spet zbudim. Še zavedam se ne kdaj sem postala tako zelo odvisna ... kar zgodilo se je. 

Včasih sitnarim M., če "predolgo visi" na svojem iPhonu  ... in potem se zavem! Saj nisem nič boljša! Včasih še hujša! Jah .. očitno oba obožujeva svoja tulilifončka. ;) 

Res pa je, da pride dan, ko sploh ne vem kje točno je moj telefon in do večera sploh ne vidim, če me je kdo potreboval ali ne. Tako, da: znam se odkolopiti - le če si to res želim. ;) Samo kaj ko me potem pričaka en kup neodgovorjenih mailov in stvari, ki jih je treba postoriti, če ne prej pa pozno zvečer. Tako, da kdo bi vedel kaj je boljše ... 

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ponedeljek, 28. maj 2012

Monday - nothing a cupcake can't fix {FREE DOWNLOAD}

It's Monday again ... well there has to be a Monday if you want Friday to come ... there's no real Friday appreciation if you don't go through Monday! ;) But even Monday can be handled pretty well if you only have CUPCAKES! :) SO Enjoy if you have some ... if not - you can still print this and hang it on your wall, you'll instantly feel better, I promise you that. ;) 

Your download image will be Watermark Free

Click on the image to download it in BLUE or in PINK

Want to see more FREE DOWNLOADS?? More digital papers, more sentiments, planners?? Just click on the FREE DOWNLOAD (on the top of this blog). 

Have a nice day,

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nedelja, 27. maj 2012

I {heart} Kate Spade Bags

Gosh, I love Kate Spade! I wish I could own everything that came out of her shop, so just to make you ant something too, I made this lovely collage of her new Bags. They are gorgeous, I'm telling you! Just wait and see! :)


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sobota, 26. maj 2012

So new, so sparkly

Hello there, 

lately I've been doing on some new, special, very sparkly Jewelry designs. And I love it beyond and above, it's so perfect for hot spring and summer days! Some are with big glitters, some just sparkle so good you'll have to own a piece, trust me on that. I'm trying so hard not to made myself one pair of each I have in the store right now. That's so crazy! 

And the best part - you can wear them as day or night jewelry, thats how cool they are! ;) 

So here we go - this is just one small part of the colors I have, but these are the earrings that are already available in my shop (or will be there very very soon). I'm adding new colors in it daily, but if you don't feel like waiting for your perfect color to come available just send me a message and we'll talk all about it and I'll be super happy to make for you anything you want! Yes, I'm actually that polite. :)

Poletje prihaja in z njim tudi nore in odštekane barve, ki jih marsikdo med letom ne preferira najbolj ... poleti pa marsikatera zavora popusti. ;) In prav je tako! Čeprav sem sama skozi vse leto nagnjena k različnim barvam, priznam, da mi pozimi ponavadi pašejo drugačni odtenki, kot pa poleti. Toplo sonce da poseben čar marsikateri barvi in zato je nastala nova kolekcija nakita, ki je še bolj pisana, vesela, zabavna in predvsem nepogrešljiva! ;) Našlo pa se bo marsikaj tudi za tiste bolj umirjene dušice, za tiste, ki imate tudi poleti radi umirjeno eleganco in ne preveč iztopajoče barve. Seveda sem mislila tudi na vas! ;) 

Uhančki, ki vam jih danes predstavljam so večinoma že na poličkah moje Etsy trgovinice. Če pa kateri še niso, bodo tam zelooo zeloo kmalu pristali, kajti novi pisani parčki uhančkov kar skačejo na police, ki se šibijo od najrazličnejših dobrot. ;) 
Če tvoje najljubše barve (še) ni med predstavljenimi uhančki, mi lahko pišeš in se pomenimo o vsem, ter hkrati še naredimo perfekten parček uhančkov, ki bodo krasili tvoja ušesa. :)) Čisto preprosto in enostavno. 

If you love color of the earrings, but doesn't particularly like the shape of the size of them - let me know! Will be happy to make you any custom order you want! :)

And if you want to check out other sparkly jewelry, go -HERE- and see if you'll find anything you like.

Love you all, 

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četrtek, 24. maj 2012

Texas wedding

I'm beyond in love with this stunning Texas wedding! Stay with me and came take a look at all awesome pictures I have here for you! You won't regret it!

 {photos by  Bella Pop Photography }

Hope you enjoyed it! I did!! :)) 

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